We must all beg forgiveness from the natural world somewhere. Find out where that is for you.
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The summer forest fire season here in British Columbia has been driving me crazy for many years now, and to alleviate some of the nuisance with it all I have tried out many types of consumer products that seemed like they could help. With each of these products I say whether or not I have tried them and I give a subjective rating out of ten.
1. Personal electric air purifier.
A couple months ago I bought a personal electronic air purifier and I think it might actually be useful this summer. 6/10.
2. Indoor air purification.
i) Low cost solution: box fan with dual Merv 13s. Untested.
Based on tutorials like this: https://marshallhansendesign.com/2012/01/02/studio-operations/
I only just ordered this fan so I can’t give a personal testimony, but these are the parts I’m going to be working with:
FilterBuy 20x20x1 MERV 13 Pleated AC Furnace Air Filter, (Pack of 4 Filters), 20x20x1 – Platinum
ii) Moderate cost solution: standard portable air purifier. 6/10.
Bionaire BAP600-CN 99-Percent Permanent HEPA Air Purifier with Night Light
ii) Expensive solution: Industrial air purifier. Untested.
EnviroKlenz Home/Office Air Purifier.
3. Fireproof document organizer.
4. Fire extinguisher.
I cannot personally testify to the performance of this particular fire extinguisher, but it’s similar to mine, and listed at a pretty good price given that it has free shipping. It’s your classic “A:B:C class” extinguisher: “For use on Class A (ordinary combustibles), Class B (Flammable liquid) spills or Fires involving live electrical equipment (Class C)”. Untested.
Amerex B402 ABC Multi-Purpose Fire Extinguisher, 5 lb.
5. Personal misting and cooling.
I have tested a number of personal accessories meant to keep you clean and cool, such as: gel masks, cooling headbands, shemaghs, gel hats, cooling patches, neck gaiters, cooling mats, and spray bottles.
i) Ice Eye Mask by FOMI Care. 3/10
ii) Ergodyne Chill Its 6700CT Cooling Bandana, Lined with Evaporative PVA Material. 7/10
iii) Headsweats Protech Hat. 5/10
iv) 20 Pcs Cooling Gel Fever Patches,Cooling Forehead Strips. 1/10
v) Ergodyne Chill-Its 6487 Cooling Neck Gaiter. 4/10
vi) Ergodyne Chill-Its 6602 Evaporative Cooling Towel. 3/10
ix) COREGEAR USA Misters Personal Water Mister Pump Spray Bottle. 10/10
6. Indoor cooling.
I don’t recommend portable air conditioners like the one I have for the reasons detailed here:
i) Low cost solution: evaporative “swamp cooler”.
Consumers typically find these things to be underwhelming for several reasons: they raise humidity and they need to be replenished enough to be annoying. I have never used one, but I thought I would include the highest rated one I could see on Amazon in case it interests some readers.
ii) Expensive solution: window air conditioner.
MIDEA MAW05M1BWT Window Air Conditioner, 5000 BTU. Untested.
7. Bed cooling.
i) Moderate cost solution: directional attachments for your AC unit. 9/10.
Rather than buy an expensive cooling mattress, I have found it fruitful to jam a rectangular duct connector on to my AC unit and run a hose into my bed or to my laptop dock.
Imperial Manufacturing Duct End Boot 3-1/4 X 10 X 4In GV0650
POWERTEC 70150 Rectangular Dust Hood for 4-Inch Hose
Hon&Guan 4 inch Air Duct – 32 FT Long
ii) Expensive solution: specialized bed cooling unit. Untested.
8. Other things I would like to try.
i) Cooling shirts.
Sony launched the Reon Pocket but it’s not available in North America yet for some reason.
If you want to buy a cooling shirt here in North America, you’ll have to settle for something like this:
Ergodyne Chill-Its 6665 Evaporative Cooling Vest
ii) Outdoor misting systems.
iii) Door seals.
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