March 2023 - Wootcrisp

Month: March 2023


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Plural noun: sleeple – first order pejorative term, or second order ironic term, for a political demographic seen to be asleep at the wheel.

Example usage: I’ve felt so sleepy recently, I’m at risk of becoming a member of set sleeple.

See: sheeple, daydreaming.

Contrast with: wolfle [plural noun] – demographic of hyper-vigilant individuals reinforced by the predation returns of both sheeple and sleeple.


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Noun: Lobotomism – political ideology espousing the need to lobotomize most citizens, in the interest of stability. Where stable solutions for planetary systems, having billions of sentient individuals, are very difficult to find, reducing citizen complexity could mean the difference between having a model for some amount of time, and not having one.

Example application: resolving the tension between libraries and capitalism, by censoring the former.

See: lobotomy, capitalism, monarchism, eusociality, individuality.

Contrast with: “optimism” – a political ideology, that assumes the returns from superrational actions can dynamically find stable solutions, by having a sandbox for citizen activities that otherwise would warrant a good old fashioned round of lobotomies if everyone were to do them.